How to choose 300A ESC Type?
Our MTSF300A-WP has 2 versions for the receiver:
Type 1: Internal with Maytech MTSKR1905WF remote receiver

Type 2: No receiver built-in
What's their difference?
1. Type 1: Built-in MTSKR1905WF remote receiver, which means this type can only work with our MTSKR1905WF remote, can't work with any other remote control, our engineer had connected all the wires needed for the receiver inside of the ESC waterproof case, the wires connection is much easier for you to use, the antenna length on the receiver is fixed and can't be changed.
2. Type 2: Do not build-in any receiver, the ESC can work with others remote as long as its PWM signal, you need to connect receiver on your own, the wires connection is more complicated compared to Type 1, but it's more flexible, also if you use this version with our MTSKR1905WF remote, you can change the antenna length on the receiver for more stable signal if there's interferance.
How to choose suitable verison?
If you will put the ESC near the top of your board and close to your remote, then you can choose Type 1.
Some customers might put the ESC at the bottom of the board and far from the remote, then can choose Type 2 and put the receiver as near as to remote to make sure the signal strength.
If I want to use internal receiver version but I also worried about signal, what should I do?
If you want to use internal receiver version for convenient wiring, but you will put the ESC far from the remote and worried about signal, then here's another way, when you place order of the ESC, you can order together with our 1m/3m antenna, leave us a note that you want to change 1m or 3m antenna on the receiver and build-in ESC, or you can leave a message to agnes@maytech.cn.