What's the Differences Between Remote MTSKR1905WF and MTSKR2005WF?
Always have customer ask the difference between Maytech MTSKR1905WF and MTSKR2005WF remote, here's the video show you the differences:
-IP67 Waterproof, recommend to use for water sports, with glue waterproof on screen.
-With Esurf and Esk8 modes, can work on both electric skateboard and electric surfboard.
-With cruise control function on Esurf mode.
-IP66 waterproof, can only use to electric skateboard.
-With 3 speed modes, can set 3 different max throttle from 0%-100%.
-No cruise control function
They use same receiver, can display different parameters:
-When work for electric skateboard, can display speed (km/h or mph)
-When work for electric surfboard, can display RPM (by 3 different ways)
-When work with VESC, can display voltage, current, temp, etc.,
-Can display remote and main battery power, signal bar, throttle and brake %, etc.,
-Firmware is updatable
-Can set safety button
-Can control light and water pump
-Wireless charging
-Compatible Controllers: VESCTOOL Compatible/ Focbox/ Other PWM ESCs that has same signal output range with the remote.
-Double Source Power Supply: Accept 5V power by ESC built-in BEC or extra 5V power
-Can use UART
Watch below video to know more clearly: