FAQ (frequently asked questions) about VESC controller?
FAQ1: How to detect motor hall sensor in VESC_TOOL?
FAQ2: How to adjust motor direction?
1. If your controller is with hall sensor, need to adjust 3pcs motor cables and controller cables phase sequence and detect, find suitable connection.
2. If you use VESC without hall sensor, can adjust random 2 phase wire connection, then detect.
FAQ3: What is the difference between Maytech VESC50A and SUPERFOC6.8?
1. VESC50A is based on VESC4.0 hardware, SUPERFOC6.8 is based on VESC6.0 hardware.
2. SUPERFOC6.8 has great FOC function, it use better quality driver chip DRV8301, which can fix the problem of DRV error that always happens to VESC4.0 based controller.
For VESC4.0 based controller, do not suggest to use FOC mode, even if use, can only run in low voltage mode, like 3-4S, otherwise may cause DRV error under high voltage.
FAQ4: What is the advantage of FOC function?
VESC6.0 hardware has FOC function, it has the below advantages:
A: Automatically recycle energy when decelerate, lower consumption, higher efficiency.
B. Vector control, sinusoidal driven, small torque ripple and quite.
C. Energy feedback brake, faster retarding brake.
FAQ5: What is the difference between VESC4.0 and VESC6.0 hardware?
Reference: https://vesc-project.com/node/452
VESC6.0 is improvement hardware over VESC4.0.
It is related to electrical rule that the sum of the currents going into a device is always precisely zero.
So a battery delivering 1A has 1A going into the device through the - pole and -1A going into the positive pole (i.e. 1A coming out). This means that when you measure one you know the other!
- Do not suggest to use FOC function, can only use under low voltage (3-4S).
- The same holds for a motor with three leads: measure two and you know the third. So the first VESC (VESC-4) was built when TI recommended measuring just two of the currents and calculating the third if you needed it
- Has great FOC function, quite, low consumption.
- Due to imperfections in real life, some of the measurements are more accurate than the others. And you can predict which ones. So in VESC-6, the decisison was made to allow the hardware to measure all three currents, and to not-use the one predicted to be least accurate and then calculate it from the other two.
FAQ6: What is the difference between ESC and VESC?
- If use sensorless motor, don’t need to adjust phase sequence, 3 cables can be connected randomly. If motor direction is not correct, just need to change random 2 cables connection and detect.
- If use sensored motor, can detect phase sequence in VESC_TOOL automatically.
- VESC has 2 methods to adjust motor direction:
can adjust motor direction in VESC_TOOL.
change random 2 cables connection and detect.
- ESC can automatically detect 3 cables phase sequence, need to adjust mannually, total 6 phase sequence.
FAQ7: About VESC Boatloader and STLink USB?
All our VESCs default firmware are with boarloader.
If VESC firmware already with boatloader, then can upgrade in VESC_TOOL directly; If VESC firmware is not with boarloader, then need to use STLink USB to upgrade.
Here’s another 2 situation might have:
- VESC firmware with boatloader, VESC_TOOL without.
If you use VESC_TOOL, then boatloader in VESC firmware will be vanished, need to use STLink USB to upgrade.
- VESC firmware without boatloader, STLink USB with.
If you use STLink USB to upgrade, then VESC will with boatloader automatically.
FAQ8: How to use UART Port to adjust VESC parameters?
- Download firmware that has UART port opened and get in.
- Use USB convert to TTL converter connect to computer, download driver. Computer will show virtual serial port after driven download finished.
- Use TTL cable on side of USB convert to TTL to cross connect with TX and RX.
- Choose suitable port in VESC_TOOL, choose specific speed rate and connect. Can’t use default firmware because UART is not opened.
- Open UART in VESC with good USB port, write transmission speed value 19200, copy the firmware and download to VESC with bad USB port.
- Choose 19200 transmission speed in VESC_TOOL, choose virtual port of USB convery to TTL convertor.
Please noted: This VESC firmware is with parameters, you can write parameters from a good USB port and copy the firmware out, then use STLink to download to VESC with bad USB.
FAQ9: Does Maytech VESC has fan, reverse and regenerative brake?
Maytech ESC and VESC doesn’t have fan, has reverse and regenerative brake.
FAQ10: Do I need to connect VESC signal cable if I do not use remote control?
If do not use remote control, do not need to connect VESC signal cable, no influence.
FAQ11: What is the highest ERPM can Maytech VESC take?
Maytech VESC can take higher ERPM of 100000, but suggest to use the value between 50000-60000; If need to use higher value, suggest to use BLDC Sensorless mode.
FAQ12: Can Maytech SUPERFOC6.8 adjust parameters on APP?
Maytech SUPERFOC6.8 Current Bluetooth module can’t adjust parameters on APP, you can read parameters on APP.
FAQ13: What do you need to notice when adjust SUPERFOC6.8 parameters ?
- In FOC mode detection you need to manually modify “I”value to 10A, default value is 20A, the detection is not accurate under 20A.
- In BLDC mode detection manually modify “I”value to 5A, ERPM change to 500.
- Current bluetooth module can only work with firmware version under 1.0, otherwise can’t communicate with APP. Can only read parameters on APP, can’t adjust.
- UART Pin definition is as follow, please noted TX and RX position.
FAQ14: You need to know: SWD upgrade port looks very similar to Hall sensor port, do not connect by mistake.
Maytech VESC50A and SUPERFOC6.8 Hall Sensor port and SWD programming port:
FAQ15: How to use 2pcs single VESC together if do not use dual VESC?
There’s 2 methods to connect use 2pcs single VESC together.
- Do not use canbus cable.
Connect 2 VESC signal cable together, just need to parallel connect signal cable (Yellow), connect receiver to any of the 2 VESCs.
- Use Canbus cable.
1. Use canbus cable to connect 2 VESC together, connect receiver to any of the 2 VESCs, canbus function is to synchronize 2 motors.
2. If connected 2 VESC with canbus cables, and 2 VESC signal cable is not connected, but 2 motors does not spin together, then might the problem of “Traction Control”is open, you need to closed this function, this function open means to forbid 2 motors synchronize.
3. How to open canbus function?
FAQ16: Can Maytech VESC work with RS485?
No, need to use RS485 convert to TTL signal converter.
FAQ17: What is the advantage of FOC mode over BLDC mode?
If use sensored mode in BLDC, when hall sensor is damaged or fell off, motor will stop working, need to change to sensorless mode.
If use FOC mode, motor can work under sensored and sensorless mode, even if use sensored, and hall sensor damaged or fell off, motor can still working.
FAQ18: Can VESC change direction in VESC_TOOL?
Yes, in VESC_TOOL can change motor direction.
But this is just one more option, if use sensored VESC, because hall sensor can automatically detect phase sequence, rotation speed will slow down, there’s totally 6 phase sequence, need to find most suitable connection, so sometimes still need to manually change 2 cables connection and detect.
If use sensorless mode, then can adjust direction in VESC_TOOL, forward and reverse rotation speed is the same.
FAQ19: Questions about MTVESC50A work with 9055 hub motor?
- When connect VESC to computer, connection is unstable, why?
-It might because usb cable is too close to power cable and motor cable, which caused interference.
- Use VESC_TOOL 0.95 3.4firmware, what is the motor value of current/ERPM/duty should be set?
-Suggest to set I=5A, ERPM=800, duty=0.1 (please noted: this is just for 9055 hub motor startup detection, other motors parameter is different.)
- What is the 9055 hub motor pole number? What is the relationship between ERPM and RPM?
-9055 hub motor pole number is 28, number of pole pairs is 14.
ERPM= pole pairs * RPM
- What is the meaning of the VESC50A lights?
-VESC50A has 3 colors light:
-Green light means working normal;
-Blue light means power;
-Red light means error.
- What is the reason the red light lights?
-Red light lights should because of over current and over voltage protection, or driver chip damaged, here can check error type (see below pic):
- VESC_TOOL has real-time data plotting tools, how to use this function?
-VESC_TOOL can only show the drawing it has, can’t customize or input drawing.
- How to adjust RPM in VESC_TOOL?
-Set duty cycle (0.5%-0.95%) (See below pic):
Related Maytech VESC Speed Controllers:
1. SUPERFOC6.8 50A VESC6.0 based Controller:
3. MTVESC100A:
4. V1 200A MTSVESC6.0
5. V2 200A MTVESC6.12