How is Maytech New 300A ESC work with V3.0 Remote ?
How to set Parameters on MTSKR1905WF V3.0 Remote to display Voltage/Current/Temperature when work with MTSF300A-WP32 (60V Version) / MTSF300A-WP32-HV (75V Version) New Small Size ESC?
- Connector your ESC to receiver as below wiring diagram

- If you have not paired the remote with receiver before, then you need to pair th remote with receiver first, check below video from 00:50-01.06
- After pairing, adjust below paraameters in remote to fit your battery and ESC:
- Set 【5. Battery Type】 and 【6. Batt Ser Num】 according to your battery
- Set 【9. Data Source】to 【MTSESC-WP32】
- Set 【10. M Pole Pairs】according to the motor you use, pls noted this is pole pairs number, in the video we use MTI65162-120-SF motor, its pole number is 6, so we set this value to 【3】.
- Because this is normally for surfboard and don't use gear, so choose SF (Esurf) mode, and 【12. Gear Ratio】 set to 【1】
3. Then you can return back to main menu and short click function button to read voltage/current/temp, etc parameters