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MTSPF7.5D Dual 50A VESCTOOL Compatible SuperESC Based on V75_300 Speed Controller

MTSPF7.5D Dual 50A VESCTOOL Compatible SuperESC Based on V75_300 Speed Controller

Regular price $539.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $539.50 USD
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Maytech MTSPF7.5D Dual 50A Based on V75_300 Speed Controller With Heat Sink for Electric Skateboard Longboard, scooter, ebike, robots, 2WD 4WD Skateboards, cable camera, etc.,



Model No
MTSPF7.5D Cont Current 50A
Lipo Voltage 3-12S
Burst Current
BEC 5V Type Dual Controller
Capatitor 3pcs 680uf63V MOS IRF7530
Hardware Based on V75_300 Firmware Updatable



Never connect one reclever to two or more V6/V75  based SUPERFOC ESCs or VESCs in an array!  Permanent damage may result from Y-PPM wiring. 

Only connect CAN L and CAN H ! GND pins and 5V should never be connected in a V6/V75 based SUPERFOC ESCs or VESC array.

Stock Notification: 

This controller is not in stock now, it is still in sampling designing. 

If you want to test, contact us please


2 Types: 

1. Without Heat Dissipation: 

dual VESC double VESC 2pcs controller on one board Maytech SUPERFOC6.8 50A VESC6.0 based controller for electric skateboard great FOC Mode Mountainboard Longboard fighting robotics UAV Drone combat robots
Maytech SUPERFOC6.8 50A VESC6.0 based controller for electric skateboard great FOC Mode Mountainboard Longboard fighting robotics UAV Drone combat robots

2. With Heat Sink Case: 
Maytech MTVESC7.5DU Dual 50A Based on VESC 75_300 Speed Controller With Heat Sink for Electric Skateboard Longboard with heat sink
Attention Points when you receive the controller Please:
All products had been double checked and tested one by one before shipment, only if the products are working normally would be shipped out. 
  • When you receive the controller, please test without load and do not connect motor, first check if the controller can successfully connect to your computer, if ok, then connect to motor and you can start to adjust parameters.
  • Do not use switching power supply, the instant voltage when switching power supply connect to controller is very high, which would easy damage the controller.
  • Do not push the throttle too hard when test without load, gently and slowly speed up.
  • Be cautious when adjust parameters, if parameters set mistake, would also easy damage the controller.
  • Please must remember to change to corresponding modes when you adjust parameters, for example, the controller default mode is BLDC mode, but if you want to detect FOC mode and adjusted FOC parameters, at this time if mode in VESCTOOL didn't change to FOC mode, then when you push throttle, would easy burn the controller, same as FOC mode.
  • In FOC mode, ERPM suggest to control in 30000-40000; In BLDC moed, ERPM suggest to control in 50000-60000, otherwise driver IC would easy to be damaged. ERPM= motor pole pairs number * KV * Voltage 
    ERPM= motor pole pairs number * KV * Voltage
  • If you use UART port, the wire better do not over 0.5m or even shorter, and better use Stranded wire.
  • For V4 based controller:
          Do not suggest to use FOC mode, suggest to use BLDC mode. 
          If need to use FOC mode, then must use voltage under 20V.
  • The above are only suggestions based on the experience of our engineers. how to actually operate is up to you. Parameters for different setup is also different, please noted

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No Heat Dissipation
No Heat Dissipation
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With Heat Sink Case
With Heat Sink Case
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$796.90/ea $0.00

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