How to Set Current Value in VESC TOOL?
To use VESC, there's some values are very important and need to be set manually.
Usually after connected motor, VESC to your computer and VESCTOOL, you can just run configuration with Wizard--Setup Motors FOC, choose correct motor type (For example, for Maytech 5055, 5065, 6355, 6365, 6374, 6396, 8085 choose Medium Outrunner, for Maytech Inrunner motors MTI65162, MTI85165, MTI120116 should choose Larger Inrunner type), and enter correct battery cells information and it will detect automatically, and after detect successful, some value need to be adjusted manually, which is the Motor Current Max Brake and Battery Current Max Regen.
1. If you need to use brake or reverse
This 2 Current values are important, you need to consider your battery charge current.
Because flow of braking current is from motor through VESC controller to battery, VESC will adjust current send to battery according to the Motor Current Max Brake and Battery Current Max Regen (battery charge current) values you write.
If the values you set too high and beyond charge current your battery could handle, your battery would unable to absorb excess reverse/braking current, then it will send the excess current back to VESC. But if the excess current exceeds the max current that the VESC could withstand, then would cause the VESC heat and even worse burn the VESC, also may damage your battery or affect battery lifespan.
So how to set these 2 revese current values?
- Count your battery charge current= capacity (Ah) * battery charge rate (C value).
- Motor Current Max Brake < Battery Current Max Regen ≤ Battery actual charge current (value you count in first step), so this can make sure all the reverse current produced by regenerative braking could be absorbed by battery, rather than release through VESC heat, it's good for VESC and battery.